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Google translate simple clone

Simple google translate clone using groq and llama 3 model for translations, check the repo here

github repo

Price comparison app, the app is still getting improvements and new features. It's built with Python, Node.js/NestJS, Remix and PostgreSQL. The application get the prices from differents stores in Peru and help the users to get the best prices for each product.

github repo

Remix local auth

Simple local auth with Remix, check the repo here

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Pokemon for fun

Simple app for search pokemons powered by Poke Api, check the repo here

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Pokemon for fun ETL

Simple ETL using NestJS wich extracts pokemons info from Poke Api and load it in a mongo database, check the repo here

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Skill test solution

Full Stack skill test found on the internet, I made a solution with Remix SPA and Node.js, check the repo here